
Showing posts from September, 2017
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an  organic  chemical used widely in plastic packaging. It uses including  water bottles, baby bottles, dental fillings and sealants, dental devices, medical devices, eyeglass lenses, DVDs and CDs, household electronic and sports equipment. BPA can also be found in epoxy resins which is used as coatings inside food and drinks cans. Evidence has mounted over the years that this chemical is detrimental to the body's biochemistry. Once BPA is in our bodies, it imitates  hormones  such as estrogen and becomes an "endocrine disruptor" and may fool the  body  by stimulating reactions that are unnecessary and potentially harmful. In the past, public  health  authorities have considered BPA to be safe based upon what they assumed to be safe levels. However, many recent studies have indicated that these safety levels no longer reflect the reality. What follows are some tips on how to limit the effects of this harmful chemical on your children:   Find produ